I have thought I would write you every day for a week but have been so busy I did not get to it & even today I have but a few moments I have thought of you many many times since I came on this trip and longed to see As Written: tosee you & ask you sometimes a question I have been denounced as doing the works of the devil by an Episcopal Rector & fought As Written: faught in my lecture by him, but I came off all right & have proved the power of Christian Science by curing ten of the As Written: ofthe worst cases in the town Everyone As Written: Every one is stirred. I got the ChurchAs Written:Ch here and I have started a good society in Wolfboro who say as soon as the hall is finished they will pay for a ScientistEditorial Note: Christian Scientist to lecture on Sundays I will come here & speak in the ChurchAs Written:Ch mornings & in Wolfboro in the PM if someone As Written: some one will help
Such a work as is going is going to change the place in a short time Oh! I bless you everyday As Written: every day my precious Teacher tho' I bear a heavier cross than ever yet I wear a crown that you placed upon me I cannot As Written: can not do enough for the causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science Early & late I work and bring the poor hungry and thirsty ones to this fountain of lifePs 36:9 For with thee is the fountain of life: in thy light shall we see light. God bless you, & give all your students strength to do as you would have them and an appreciation of the much you have done for them. I am coming home to Asso Will see you then
GoodbyeAs Written:Good bye
Your faithful student