Yours containing directions respecting the regulation of Institutes is at hand and "contents noted", as say the businessmenAs Written:business men.
Our church has secured the Lecture Room of the First Methodist EpiscopalAs Written:M. E church in a very central location
We met in it last Sunday for the first time at 3 P. M. A congregation of about 150 greeted us. Bro Adams preached a very interesting Sermon. All comment was most favorable. Last night a reception was extended to him at 2212 Michigan Ave the pleasant residence of Miss Brown. About thirty welcomed the newcomerAs Written:new comer to a home in the central city.
TodayAs Written:To day Mrs Larmine & Mrs Bell called to consult respecting an Institute at Hyde Park. They kindly tendered me the Principalship of the same, which offer I hold under advisement.
It has seemed to me the wisest, to continue disconnected from any other Institution so long as I hold the Pastorate of the church. If Miss Brown and Mr Adams open a school and I should join the enterprise of Mrs Larminie and Mrs Bell, both in the south side, it would give this part of the city too great a preponderance. The West side might regard it unfavorably.
Would it not be better for me to hold myself more at liberty to respond to calls from other western cities, when a lecture now & then would enable students to form classes and introduce the scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science.
Your student