Accession: 060A.17.012
Editorial Title: George B. Day to Mary Baker Eddy, October 21, 1886
Author: George B. Day 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: October 21, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by George B. Day on lined printed stationery of The Chicago College of Christian Science, from Chicago, Illinois.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Teacher

Yours containing directions respecting the regulation of Institutes is at hand and "contents noted", as say the businessmenAs Written:business men.

Our church has secured the Lecture Room of the First Methodist EpiscopalAs Written:M. E church in a very central location

We met in it last Sunday for the first time at 3 P. M. A congregation of about 150 greeted us. Bro Adams preached a very interesting Sermon. All comment was most favorable. Last night a reception was extended to him at 2212 Michigan Ave the pleasant residence of Miss Brown. About thirty welcomed the newcomerAs Written:new comer to a home in the central city.

TodayAs Written:To day Mrs Larmine & Mrs Bell called to consult respecting an Institute at Hyde Park. They kindly tendered me the Principalship of the same, which offer I hold under advisement.

It has seemed to me the wisest, to continue disconnected from any other Institution so long as I hold the Pastorate of the church. If Miss Brown and Mr Adams open a school and I should join the enterprise of Mrs Larminie and Mrs Bell, both in the south side, it would give this part of the city too great a preponderance. The West side might regard it unfavorably.

Would it not be better for me to hold myself more at liberty to respond to calls from other western cities, when a lecture now & then would enable students to form classes and introduce the scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science.

As ever
Your student
Geo B Day
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Teacher

Yours containing directions respecting the regulation of Institutes is at hand and "contents noted", as say the business menCorrected:businessmen.

Our church has secured the Lecture Room of the First M. EExpanded:Methodist Episcopal church in a very central location

We met in it last Sunday for the first time at 3 P. M. A congregation of about 150 greeted us. Bro Adams preached a very interesting Sermon. All comment was most favorable. Last night a reception was extended to him at 2212 Michigan Ave the pleasant residence of Miss Brown. About thirty welcomed the new comerCorrected:newcomer to a home in the central city.

To dayCorrected:Today Mrs Larmine & Mrs Bell called to consult respecting an Institute at Hyde Park. They kindly tendered me the Principalship of the same, which offer I hold under advisement.

It has seemed to me the wisest, to continue disconnected from any other Institution so long as I hold the Pastorate of the church. If Miss Brown and Mr Adams open a school and I should join the enterprise of Mrs Larminie and Mrs Bell, both in the south side, it would give this part of the city too great a preponderance. The West side might regard it unfavorably.

Would it not be better for me to hold myself more at liberty to respond to calls from other western cities, when a lecture now & then would ienable students to form classes and introduce the scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science.

As ever
Your student
Geo B Day
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