I need not say that your telegram, and your letterEditorial Note: See L14726. just placed in my hands were somewhat of a surprise.
Those who are interested directly in our "College" have done what has been done with such pure and sincere intent that for one I am unable to comprehend why our efforts have not met with your approbation. Allow me to present the facts in the case.
1. We felt compelled to call the Institution a College because the Name Institute had been preempted before we were ready to act conjointly. We could not incorporate two Institutes under the "Act of 72" This I regretted – for I am not fond of high-soundingAs Written:high sounding titles.
2. The objectionable language which you strike out was inserted for two reasons. First, because there were so many schools and Teachers in Chicago who profer to be teaching christian science and who are not of usI John 2:19 They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us. , that scores of students are lost to scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science, through inability to discover what teachers do represent your system.
It has been represented to me that Mrs. Plunket and Mrs Hopkins and Schwarz and others all claim when certains, students are spoken to, that they teach christian Science according to the system of Mrs Eddy. We knew no way to counteract this misrepresentation other than by making the declaration which you strike out.
[*]Archival Note: A metamark that looks like an X appears at this point in the manuscript. Secondly. Our Institution is founded at your request. Every step in its establishment has been taken in accordance with your suggestion. Not one of the names appended to the circular is other than a most devoted and loyal supporter of your system and yourself. You have named them and they desire most heartily, to do good in the channels you have marked out. They believe that you authorized them to teach in this Institution and they wish to teach nothing else except what Mrs Eddy shall authorize. This is particularly true of myself. It is with considerable sacrifice that I have taken up this work. I had no wish personally to give time and attention to it. To enter into a rivalry with the [?] Unclear or illegible Schools of Metaphysics and Mind Cure would be a most distasteful undertaking. To represent and teach the Contents of "Science and Health"Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy under your authorization and at your command, I canconsent to do, if heartily supported by others of your loyal students. I don't think I would care to be connected with an Institute which was not authorized by you.
3. It will be the aim of our College to lend you a most hearty support. If successful we shall recommend all our students to take a course with you, and thus I am sure add largely to the patronage of the "Mater" We are of the opinion that having learned the rudiments with us and after demonstrating a limited time the majority of our students will reach you. We shall so recommend in all cases. We shall do our best in the sale of "Science and Health" and the circulation of the Journal. We had hoped to prove a powerful auxiliary As Written: auxilliary to the Boston College.
4. Chicago seems to be a Western Center. As a city it is excitable and ready to try every new thing. Hundreds are examining "Metaphysics" so-called. Many minds west of us still, would study in chicago if they could find with certainty some school that does represent you. We would like to be known as such or not exist at all.
And now my dear Teacher let me urge you to let these words stand on the circular and in the advertisement as the most essential and loyal part or index of our purpose.
The names on this paper are true names: – names to be trusted. The more you trust them, the more loyal they will be. If, to suffering this objectional phrase to stand on the circular you should in the journal add over your signature a personal endorsement, Science and yourself would be the gainers.
I am not aware that I have ever betrayed a righteous Confidence reposed on me.
One may not be sure of the Soundness of his own judgment but I cannot refrain from a frank expression of opinion. The time has come when some School in the west should be authorized by you as the representation of your Christian System. If our Institution is not that one, we or I at least will resign. and let some other be organized to suit the wants of the Case. The time is critical- Be pleased to look over the ground a second time and let us know the results of a more deliberate view of the case.
P. S. Since writing the above I have thought the matter over more seriously and begin to realize the situation as it must appear to you. You have been betrayed in the past by your students and it is reasonable consequently that you should hesitate to give anyoneAs Written:any one your personal endorsement. But my dear Teacher Consider. The case of individuals is so different from that of a collective body.
The very fact that we are authorized to teach you system only, shuts us up to that. No one of us could be disloyal and continue in the faculty. His confreres would soon disown him
The publication of the obnoxious phrase is what will compel the Institution to be faithful in the exposition of your system. While it stands you have us under Control. You can disown us if need be. With it we are on our honor, and with men honor is a great motive. We are now accountable in a degree to you. If you push us out irresponsible and disconnected you will not be warranted in expecting that we may not drift in the currents floating by. I add this much because I know that unauthorized we can do but little for science, and as far as I have connected with my associates, none of us wish to put our names before the public in any other than authorized relations
Let me hear from you again and at your earliest Convenience I regret that we have sent out a few circulars and have advertised a little I have held my hand since your telegram.
Our arrangements for teaching are as yet very indefinite.– otherwiseAs Written:other wise than this: when students present themselves they will be assigned to one or another of the Teachers as may be found convenient – at the time. This teacher will receive the students while the number is very limited at his or her home. If a class should consist of more than half a dozen we can assemble them in our church Hall. But really the Institution is nothing at all as yet, but the unity of your Normal Teachers.– An effort to get before the Western Community some information where they can study Mrs Eddy's As Written: Eddys "Science and Health." After paying expenses the Faculty agree to divide equally the net receipts semiannuallyAs Written:semi annually.
As we shall not descend to personal solicitation or canvass for students we shall grow slowly if at all. There is no money in it. as you will at once perceive. only a self-sacrificingAs Written:self sacrificing effort to carry out your wishes so often expressed, and to keep the Science in such purity as God shall enable us to, do. I nominated Miss Brown for President, but it was not seconded. She is very busy with classes and had engagements ahead which shut off all opportunity for uniting with us at once.
We have no applications as yet for students. Our expenses up to date have been about $40Editorial Note: $40.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $1,296.60 in 2023.. So if you wish us to discontinue our efforts as a college it is easily done. Each of the Normal teachers can continue on as before and Mrs Noyes has an Institute to which students may be sent
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