Arrived home Wed. and yesterday the awful news came to me through Mrs Behan of Kansas City of the supposed death of a Mrs Reed of California whom As Written: whome I know was perfectly healed. she came here from CaliforniaAs Written:Cal. expressly to be healed. she took treatment here in Omaha three weeks and then went to her son’s home in Ida Grove. it was due to her great improvement and others who had been healed that I went down there and got up a lovely As Written: lovley class of eleven of the most As Written: moste intellectual ladies (one man) of the city. During the later part of my stay there I treated her about six times when she came & said I am now well. can walk & eat & also quite a belief of cough during that time had been destroyed – on Tuesday with a number of friends & relation I said goodbye As Written: good by . she & her husband had started on their return home both so happy and so strong and happy and praising God for the good done. she so much desired me to go to CaliforniaAs Written:Cal. and she knew with the good had done her it would not be long ‘till would come out there & teach a class in this you can see how good she was. & such good understanding would join a class there. have not heard particulars of death.
Dear Mrs Eddy. Oh for that faith where such things are only for the glory of God to me I won’t As Written: wont believe she is dead & have not ceased to pray. I always treated her as the Divine idea of God. & at the last would sit perfectly still & knew she was not there nor I and it was done & finished. what ought I have done & why. on Thursday night before her death I dreamed she was dead and awoke in a great fright but I treated myself & protected her so that my dream could not be reflected but I dare not give way to such things for Mortal MindAs Written:M. M. will keep me fearful all the time. I have mortal mind pictures at times. it is needless to say I can’t As Written: cant understand why it was nor what it was and if I gave heed to all such things it would make me fearful. but I know you can explain it away. Thank God for your dear letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. it has been my only comfort and your “Fear not” to me is such a strength it is so much to know error has no power or presence. over me. how much I have grown in brotherly love. what a sad mistake to try to love God & not begin with his children first. will give the love you gave me to others and it will be bread cast on waterEccl 11:1 Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days. as I live over your words much fear and error does flee. God bless you. I do not cease to treat the young students and the entire city. While there M. D. and Ministers talked and preached against Christian ScienceAs Written:C. S. at the churches. The infidel doctor went to hear the minister and when the doctor (who is an infidel) had his lecture. the minister said Amen to any point that to him was good. but Thank God all eleven of the class came out clear and 8 of them were members of this same Man’s As Written: Mans church and praise be to God they said they had no hard feeling toward him. when I came away the whole town was on the side of Christian ScienceAs Written:C. S. and even said of Christian ScienceAs Written:C. S. did no more than to unite enemies and foes it was good it came to me in this wise Hour of old. Pilate and Herod were made friends to crucify our Lord. But again I thank God & you for this love or charity, which grows to know that love covereth the multitude of sinsI Pet 4:8 And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins. . Pardon the amount of error you see written. but to me or my sense it was needed.
On page 520 Science & HealthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. there is something there that reads A denial of the existence of (Animal Magnetism this error prevents your victory over it. Does it mean as in sickness that you see it. (as you see the claim of death) is that bearing faithful testimony. Then know it is not so. – Can it mean to admit a claim & then try to destroy it. Am reading now in Genesis it look quite as hard as the other part did to me before but if we work we shall win. But is it not wonderful As Written: wonderfull . God alone can bless you for the good you are doing. believe me as trying to appreciate it. From a learner of Truth.