Accession: 033A.13.027
Editorial Title: Septimus J. Hanna to Mary Baker Eddy, September 2, 1893
Author: Septimus J. Hanna 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Annotator: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: September 2, 1893
Manuscript Description: Typed letter by Septimus J. Hanna with signature in his handwriting, on printed stationery of the Editorial Department of the Christian Science Publishing Society.
Archival Note: This letter includes a notation in the handwriting of Mary Baker Eddy.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Our beloved Leader:-

Found yesterday evening a letter from Mr. Kimball of which this is the pith:

"If you will notice particularly what I have marked, you will see that it is as Bonney and Barrows told me, namely, that the Washington Hall meetings are part of the ParliamentEditorial Note: World’s Parliament of Religions, and the chief presentations are made there. Many of the dates have been changed, but you will see what the plan is. If we should decide that our big meeting was all that we cared for, we could have the Compiled StatementEditorial Note: Mary Baker Eddy created a compilation of excerpts from her writings to be read at the Christian Science Congress of the World’s Parliament of Religions. read there." I enclose the marked Report. In writing Mr. K. this A. M. I told him of your wish that we should get a hearing before the Advisory Council of the Parliament, or what we might call the "House of Lords." Of course it seems from the last accounts that we are in Parliament by being in Washington Hall, but all the same I urged the other, and of course Mr. K. will do all he can in that direction. His other letters indicate that it has already been settled that we are to have the hearing before the Advisory Council etc.

Mr. Kimball. also calls for the title of "the Address" as President Bonney wants it in making up his programAs Written:programme. I wrote Mr. K. that I would suggest that you wire it to him. He says:

"The 20th day of September is one which the General Parliament will devote to a subject that relates to the universal brotherhood of man or something like that, and Barrows wants a title to an address that will be somewhat in accord with that, and end the title with "from a Christian ScienceAs Written:C. S. standpoint or something like that."

I have notified Mr. K. that there must be no other than the one meeting,‑ that is no "denominational" meetings.

I believe this all.

With much love from us both.
S. J. Hanna
Handshift:Mary Baker EddySubjectAs Written:Sub. Unity and Christian Science
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Our beloved Leader:-

Found yesterday evening a letter from Mr. Kimball of which this is the pith:

"If you will notice particularly what I have marked, you will see that it is as Bonney and Barrows told me, namely, that the Washington Hall meetings are part of the ParliamentEditorial Note: World’s Parliament of Religions, and the chief presentations are made there. Many of the dates have been changed, but you will see what the plan is. If we should decide that our big meeting was all that we cared for, we could have the cCompiled StatementEditorial Note: Mary Baker Eddy created a compilation of excerpts from her writings to be read at the Christian Science Congress of the World’s Parliament of Religions. read there." I enclose the marked Report. In writing Mr. K. this A. M. I told him of your wish that we should get a hearing before the Advisory Council of the Parliament, or what we might call the "House of Lords." Of course it seems from the last accounts that we are in Parliament by being in Washington Hall, but all the same I urged the other, and of course Mr. K. will do all he can in that direction. Heis other letters indicate that it has already been settled that we are to have the hearing before the Advisory Council etc.

Mr. Kimball. also calls for the title of "the Address" as President Bonney wants it in making up his programmeCorrected:program. I wrote Mr. K. that I would suggest that you wire it to him. He says:

"The 20th day of September is one which the General Parliament will devote to a subject that relates to the universal brotherhood of man or something like that, and Barrows wants a title to an address that will be somwewhat in accord with that, and end the title with "from a C. S.Expanded:Christian Science standpoint or something like that."

I have notified Mr. K. that there must be no other than the one meeting,‑ that is no "denominational" meetings.

I believe this all.

With much love from us both.
S. J. Hanna
Handshift:Mary Baker EddySub.Expanded:Subject Unity and Christian Science
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World’s Parliament of Religions Mary Baker Eddy created a compilation of excerpts from her writings to be read at the Christian Science Congress of the World’s Parliament of Religions.