Accession: 029.11.015
Editorial Title: Charles A. Murray to Mary Baker Eddy, May 2, 1901
Author: Charles A. Murray 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: May 2, 1901
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Charles A. Murray on unlined paper.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Mother

I hope you will not be horrified at the dimensions of the envelope As Written: enveloppe which contains this letter, but thinking you would like to hear what has been going on lately in the Press in London touching Christian Science, I have made some cuttings for you & could not get them to fit into anything of less size–

I send you a copy of the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs letter to me in obedience to the KingsEditorial Note: King Edward VII commands.

The first letter I received from His Majesty's Private Secy intimated that the King was much pleased with the "Kind address" (sic) of the Christian Scientists of BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts et ceteraAs Written:&c. But this is a much more important document & one to tell you the truth I did not look for– My wife & I are to dine to meet the King tomorrow night and another Christian ScientistAs Written:C. S. is also invited—

We leave Liverpool on the 23rd (3 weeks today) for Boston- We are quieting down here now- The Press also is beginning to come to its senses- I have the management of all press advertisements & whereas last year we could hardly get one newspaper to print the notices of our SundayAs Written:Sundy & Wednesday As Written: Wednedy services I have got them now printed in The Daily Telegraph. Daily news- Daily Chronicle- Daily Graphic- Observer- Sunday times- 6 papers- I have sent you one specimen advertisementAs Written:advertisemt.

GoodbyeAs Written:Good by dear Mother
Yours in all respect & Love
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Mother

I hope you will not be horrified at the dimensions of the enveloppe Corrected: envelope which contains this letter, but thinking you would like to hear what has been going on lately in the Press in London touching Christian Science, I have made some cuttings for you & could not get them to fit into anything of less size–

I send you a copy of the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs letter to me in obedience to the KingsEditorial Note: King Edward VII commands.

The first letter I received from His Majesty's Private Secy intimated that the King was much pleased with the "Kind address" (sic) of the Christian Scientists of BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts &cExpanded:et cetera. But this is a much more important document & one to tell you the truth I did not look for– My wife & I are to dine to meet the King tomorrow night and another C. S.Expanded:Christian Scientist is also invited—

We leave Liverpool on the 23rd (3 weeks today) for Boston- We are quieting down here now- The Press also is beginning to come to its senses- I have the management of all press advertisements & whereas last year we could hardly get one newspaper to print the notices of our SundyCorrected:Sunday & Wednedy Corrected: Wednesday services I have got them now printed in The Daily Telegraph. Daily news- Daily Chronicle- Daily Graphic- Observer- Sunday times- 6 papers- I have sent you one specimen advertisemtCorrected:advertisement.

Good byCorrected:Goodbye dear Mother
Yours in all respect & Love
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King Edward VII Boston, Massachusetts