Accession: 020A.09.014
Editorial Title: M. Bettie Bell to Mary Baker Eddy, August 13, 1886
Author: M. Bettie Bell 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: August 13, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by M. Bettie Bell on lined paper from Chicago, Illinois.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear, dear Teacher

I received As Written: recieved your letter'sEditorial Note: L09937 might be one of these letters. and thanks – Sent letter and Magazine to Mrs. Libby– Expect to entertain Mr- Sawyer tomorrow night– et ceteraAs Written:&c- Will endeavor As Written: endevvor to faithfully carry out your wishes – but Oh! these Husbands - what work they do make us – declaring we shant do this & that – until I told Mrs. Larminie todayAs Written:to-day "I was so tired trying to be good"- And then it all seemed so ludicrous to us both we laughed heartily – [?] Unclear or illegible  word for my poor sweet Sister– then I should not mention it again – To show her state of mind she writes – "Bettie- I have sacrificed much and worked hard for the benefit of Fluno'sEditorial Note: Francis J. Fluno and/or Ella V. Fluno and Mrs. Eddy's ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science here – & it seems to me if she had such powers As Written: power's of penetration she could see behindAs Written:be hind all my inquiriesAs Written:enquiries - which had been to satisfy others As Written: other's more than myselfAs Written:my-self – You know I am quick to see & comprehend & can be led As Written: lead very easily into the righ, but wrong never whatever As Written: what-ever I do I have the motive of doing it from the right principle – if I err- it is not because I did not intend to do right – & my pride in many things has been laid too low for many years As Written: year's through deep sorrows As Written: sorrow's to be either a reality or false seeming – I have been crushed too long – This is why I turned to Mrs. Eddy's Science & yearned for her help – but she has rejected me as you see – I had a glimpse As Written: glympse of hope through this but am crushed again – so let it be – Do not try to treat me again – there are too many others As Written: other's that need your time and thought – You know where my hope has been anchored these many yearsAs Written:year's – there I will rest - I hoped to help you & cooperate with you in your work - but God has ordered it otherwiseAs Written:other-wise – & I retire within my home now & seek "His will"–

Your Sister–


If my Sister once ever understandsAs Written:under stand's Science – she will work right- & nothing could move her – for she has her faults – but is honorable uprighttrue – You know all that is best dear Teacher- but this has been a keen blow to all our loved ones – but the everlastingAs Written:ever lasting arm is round about us & I trust all will yet be well for us – I wrote her this – "Don't be discouraged dear Sister – don't stop your beautiful work – but let us join hands across the broad lands- gather the roses in Science & when the thorns prick us- let us stoop in humility and quietly extract As Written: extracte them and pass on– May the Gentle Shepherd lead us all is my plea –

Your affectionate Student
M. Bettie Bell
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear, dear Teacher

I recieved Corrected: received your letter'sEditorial Note: L09937 might be one of these letters. and thanks – Sent letter amnd Magazine to Mrs. Libby– Expect to entertain Mr- Sawyer tomorrow night– &cExpanded:et cetera- Will endevvor Corrected: endeavor to faithfully carry out your wishes – but Oh! these Husbands - what work they do make us – declaring we shant do this & that – until I told Mrs. Larminie to-dayCorrected:today "I was so tired trying to be good"- And then its all seemed so lud [?] Unclear or illegible icrous to us both we laughed heartily – [?] Unclear or illegible  word for my poor sweet Sister– then I should not mention it again – To show her state of mind she writes – "Bettie- I have sacrificed much and worked hard for the benefit of Fluno'sEditorial Note: Francis J. Fluno and/or Ella V. Fluno and Mrs. Eddy's ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science here – & it seems to me if she had such power's Corrected: powers of penetration she could see be hindCorrected:behind all my enquiriesCorrected:inquiries - which had been to satisfy other's Corrected: others more than my-selfCorrected:myself – You know I am quick to see & comprehend & can be lead Corrected: led very easily into the righ, but wrong never what-ever Corrected: whatever I do I have the motive of doing it from the right principle – if I err- it is not because I did not intend to do right – & my pride in many things has been laid too low for many year's Corrected: years through deep sorrow's Corrected: sorrows to be either a reality or false seeming – I have been crushed too long – This is why I turned to Mrs. Eddy's Science & yearned for her help – but she has rejected me as you see – I had a glympse Corrected: glimpse of hope through this but am crushed again – so let it be – Do not try to treat me again – there are too many other's Corrected: others that need your time & and thought – You know where my hope has been anchored these many year'sCorrected:years – there I will rest - I hoped to help you & cooperate with you in your work - but God has ordered it other-wiseCorrected:otherwise – & I retire within my home now & seek "His will"–

Your Sister–


If my Sister once ever under stand'sCorrected:understands Science – she will work right- & nothing could move her – for she has her faults – but is honorable uprighttrue – You know all that is best dear Tea [?] Unclear or illegible cher- but this has been a keen blow to all our loved ones – but the ever lastingCorrected:everlasting arm is round about us & I trust all will yet be well for us – I wrote her this – "Don't be discouraged dear Sister – don't stop your beautiful work – but let us join hands across the broad lands- gather the roses in Science & when th [?] Unclear or illegible e thorns prick us- let us stoop in humility and quietly extracte Corrected: extract them and pass ove on– May the Gentle Shepherd lead us all is my plea –

Your affectionate Student
M. Bettie Bell
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L09937 might be one of these letters. Francis J. Fluno and/or Ella V. Fluno Christian Science