Dec. 6th 1885
I was cordially welcomed in my precious family Thursday morning and found both BabiesEditorial Note: Daisy and Elsie M. Bell complaining with belief of remitting fever – They are entirely well this morning and very happy – You can't know how rejoiced I am with my recent instruction can handle the question of Animal MagnetismAs Written:Magnatism with surprising success – don't know why I was in belief so bewilderedAs Written:be wildired and clouded.— truly "The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want"Ps 23:1 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. — many thanks for your patience, charity and tenderness – my Brother remarked oh! Sister if I could just see her every day - I could be a better man - & he never was so loath As Written: loth to leave a strange place– so lovely were the hearts and the influence around us - would that we could always be in such loyal companionship as that of our Teacher and her lovely Students - Remember me kindly to your good girls– I shall love to think of them pleasantly. Please also remember us to kind Dr- Fryre and ask him please deliver a Message to Mrs. Stetson. She was coming to Chicago & promised to let me have the pleasure of entertaining her- She will have every opportunity to successfullyAs Written:success fully carry on her work & I will take great delight in entertaining her in my home and not only be doing myselfAs Written:my-self a great pleasure - but can save her expense in this expensive CityEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois- Already patients in neighborhood that will pay her liberally to cure them- I would not trouble the Dr– with this message if I knew her address – Tell her please to drop me a line & say when she will come– Accept of our love and deep. unspeakable gratitude for the spiritual feastings, and pray God give us strength and grace for all our work–