17" 1876.
Accept my thanks for your remarkable volume, entitled "Science and Health."Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy which I have read with profound interest. and, let me add, the perusal has awakened an earnest desire to know more of yourself personally.
The sacred truths which you announce sustained by facts of the Immortal Life, give to your work the seal of inspiration – reaffirm in modern phrase, the Christian revelations.
In times like ours so sunk in sensualism, I hail with joy any voice speaking an assured word for God and Immortality - And my joy is heightened the more when I find the blessed words are of woman's divinings.
But I need more space than this paper allows to speak discriminatingly of yourself and ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science
May I then enquire if you would deem a visit from me an impertinence? If not and agreeable to you, will you name the day when I may expect the pleasure of fuller interchange of views on these absorbing themes.